SHEMA AND LOVE OF NEIGHBOUR An Exegetical Analysis of Shema and Love of Neighbour in Luke 10:25-28. Its Applications Into our Christian Life Today

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Tangaza University College
Like everyone I know, my life, too, has been a long series of interwoven experiences, both good and bad. For it was mainly through these experiences that I survived my infancy, completed my childhood, ended my adolescence and moved toward a dynamic state of growing to maturity. And as I grow up I realise that the widespread inability to show authentic love remains a big challenge today to our society. Never has human being life been held so cheap and individualistic as today:. abortions, euthanasia, genocide, racism, hatred, wars, violence, individualism and so on indefinitely. These facts have been haunting me since the days of my conscious acceptance of Christianity. I saw Christians eliminating each other, conflict between religions in the name of God, wars, discriminations.. .All these events made me consider Jesus' teaching on the love of God and love of neighbour and to see how relevant it can be for our society today and especially in my work as a missionary. Therefore my main aim and purpose in this essay is to highlight the Lukan understanding of love in 10:25-28 and its applicability to our society today which is threatened by all kinds of anti-love factors as mentioned above. Hence, in this work, I intend to address myself to this question: What is the relevancy of Jesus' teaching on love today? Then we will see to what extent Biblical instruction on love of God and love of neighbour make sense in our contemporary world
SHEMA AND LOVE OF NEIGHBOUR An Exegetical Analysis of Shema and Love of Neighbour in Luke 10:25-28. Its Applications Into our Christian Life Today