Tangaza Update(United nations of Tangaza)

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Tangaza University College
As the semester ends, depart for vacation with some know ledge of a country you had previously barely known. We are in a global village where no country lives in isolation. One person's trouble is the world's trouble. Some of the latest global concerns are: Global warming, what are you doing about it, and what is your country doing about it. Terrorism, is engulfing nations with fear across the globe. because they don't know when the terrorist will next attack. What is your perception of terrorism and whom do you blame for it? Trade, we depend on each other for existence, only good trade relations will benefit all equally. What are the benefits, from your country, or what can oth­ers benefit from you and you from them? In Tangaza we are together for a common goal 'education'. We benefit from each other in sharing knowledge but can we look beyond that and under­stand another person's perception of an issue? Each person interpretation of a .. subject is infiuenced by his/her world view, hence communication can cease to make sense if we don't have a common ground of understanding. There are thousands of concerns around the world, if there is need for change, then it has to start with you and I. , After reading this information, reflect on who you are. I m happy that quite a number of the students responded to the questionnaire.
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