Tangaza update (Justice And Peace Club)

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Tangaza University College
Kenya goes to the poll in a few months. For the citizens, this is always a long awaited moment to democratically exercise our political right. ·'''· We will decide who takes over the 'flag' within the next A'e months. It is the most challenging and tempting period for us 'Wistians as true believers and al the same time 'politicians'. Diversity Our institution is blessed with variety of persons from all walks of the life and all corners of the world. We Kenyans kindly calls upon their moral and ethical support at this hour of need. When we were baptized, we signed irrevocable contract with Jesus; a contract which strongly bides us to continuous fighting of justice and promotion of peace in the whole world. We ore called in different ways to be full partakers of this noble exercise in relation to our different daily activities Ready for the big bath? The biggest question to all Kenyans and other people of good will especially Christian is 'how have we prepared ourselves towards the forthcoming general election? Do we still subscribe to the distorted ideology that, 'politics is a dirty game and this is the time of social/civil disorder and massive chaos and thus this should be left to our politicians? to us Kenyans and all people of good will to participate To us, we should take this as the biggest gift God hosi' and willingly in making informed decisions on where we wont our world to be as responsible and official stewards whom God commissioned to take care of His creations both living and non living.
our experience, Peer counselling, Prolife