Church in The Media Epoch (A Special Reference To The Youths Of St. Vincent dagoreti Parish-Nairobi)

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Tangaza University College
We come from an age that relies on media for better living or its opposite. In this case study I would like to sample in a concrete way the effect of this reliability on media relating it to our Christian moralit \Oh a special focus on the youths living in Nairobi{Dagoreti Parish}. Down the past ages the Church has been on the lookout on media effects and this is why the Church up to our time has a stand on what media ought to be. {b} Hypothesis: To check in whether media has a positive effect or negative repercussion on our Christian nuvalitv especially among the youths. Most of the Churchgoers especially the youths are faced with the 1-tf1uence {power I of the media that has the ability to shape and giy c a new identity to their lives. But first of all I would like to pose a question: what ty pe of society do we hail from? This is important in coming into terms or understanding why Churchgoers and especially the youths have a task before them. From our standpoint, our society is a liberal one; this dates back to the end of the eighteenth century whereby a system of thought based on theory of economics, which is in support of the development of capitalism, was adapted.' The liberalism theory sees the society as composed or 'rational individuals in pursuit of their self-interest.' This is the nature of our society and the media centers around it. If it is true that media has an impact that leads to alteration of behaviour, attitudes, or actions, the Church then may be required to adapt new ways of evangelization to suit the Christians in this situation.