Hermeneutics of Lk. 3:7-18 On the Kalenjin People of Kenya With Special Reference To Justice Today.

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Tangaza University College
The Kalenjin in Kenya are of nomadic origin. Having migrated in the early 9th bentury from the present-day Sudan, where the desert life was so harsh to them, their lifestyle still to date hinges on the traditions founded on these harsh conditions. In the desert, an individual who is separated from histher group must be able to count without question on the hospitality of the group through which he/she passes or he/she joins. Anyone may have need of this help and therefore everyone must give it; this is the basis of the Law of Hospitality and Asylum. The history of the Kalenjin people is akin to the one of the people of Israel whose ancestors lived as Nomads. Because of their closely-knit society, the message of John the Baptist -the message of justice- is very central to their lives for it touches their identity.
Hermeneutics, Lk. 3:7-18, Kalenjin, Justice