African Psycho-Religious Understanding of `Ratum ET Consummatum' Versus Catholic Church's Teaching

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Tangaza University College
On Friday 2ld Jan. 2000, the Holy Father received the prelate Auditors, Officials and Advocates of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the solemn opening of the judicial year. Addressing the Jurists in the Sala Clementina of the Apostolic Palace, the Pope spoke of the possible juridical effect of the current divorce mentality on the marital consent and reiterated the church's constant teaching that ratified and consummated marriage cannot be dissolved by any human power not even the Roman pontiff. The Holy Father insisted on the church's finidamental duty to reaffirm strongly as the Synod Fathers did, the doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage (FC.20) in order to dispel the shadow that seems to be cast over the value of the indissolubility of the conjugal bond by certain opinions stemming from theological and canonical research (L'osservatore Romano, 26th Jan. 2000). Looking at our African situation whereby the marriage issue is one of the major challenges in the pastoral work in the parishes and this declaration of the Holy Father to all Christians, I started to ponder about our church here in Africa where there is a lot of an accentuate increase of marriage dissolution_ Reading in the Newspapers, maga7ines and articles we find a lot of marriages broken e.g. separation of ratified and consummated marriage, divorce, cohabitation and the like. Reflecting on what might be the causal factor, I realized that there is misunderstanding between our African culture and traditional understanding of marriage with that of Catholic Church's teaching. For instance, African culture, which allows marriage separation, polygamy etc., differs with the church's teaching on indissolubility and monogamy of marriage. It is in line with this, we made an assumption that African psycho-religious understanding of ratum et consummatum versus catholic church's teaching is a pastoral issue today which requires an immediate solution for the betterment of African Christian people. It is from this assumption that we were prompted to carry out this research work for the justification that African psycho-religious understanding of ratum et consummatum versus catholic church's teaching is a pastoral issue today. The results, discussions carried out are placed in this research work. All findings placed in this research work are emanating from the responses of the respondents from Arusha Archdiocese in Tanzania. The data were discussed and analyzed in which the recommendations and practical pastoral suggestions for the future research were developed.
African Psycho-Religious, Ratum ET Consummatum, Catholic Church's Teaching, Pastoral Issue