The Role of Media in Perpetuating The 'Pop Culture' Among Kenyan Youth

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Tangaza University College
This research is aimed at identifying the cause of the different changes occurring within the youth living in Westlands a cosmopolitan area with a variety of people. For sometime, I have had the opportunity to see for myself the transformation the people of Westlands Division here in Kenya have gone under. It has been very interesting. This has drawn my interest and my curiosity into an in-depth analysis of it. These transformations are in the form of image and style of dressing, language and social behaviour. According to me, the influence in these changes come through the media especially the Western media because a high percentage of the television content in our Kenyan TVs is Western. In the past, different cultures were formed because they had different political opinions and needed a route to air them. ..Popular culture is perceived to be a political arena, a place where certain ideas are advocated and others are condemned." Within today's culture from the West the values are not of political motives but are influential in the social aspect of the Kenyan youth. This type of culture is defined as •lpopular culture", so vast an area that, we can only focus on certain aspects. In so doing, we hope to analyse how media has perpetuated Western culture in Kenya today. According to Edward Taylor. a British anthropologist. "culture is that complex whole, which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laxks. customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as members of society.-2 This is seen in the detailed descriptions of the traditional culture in Africa. "Geertz defined culture as historically transmitted patterns of meaning embodied in symbols by means of which men and women communicate, perpetuate and develop their knowledge about an attitude to life
Media, Pop Culture', Kenyan Youth