Experience In Chaminde Training Centre

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Tangaza University College
Urbanisation is them 'n course of the high rate of the population in Nairobi city. The city attracts young people aged 16years to years from rural areas for various reasons. The insufficiency land ,t near the villages lack of lancji. Poverty because of drought and famine. For example Machakos, Kisumu and many other places. City salaries are much higher in comparison to rural income in general about one third of lowest official city salaries. These also includes house allowances. As a result of infrastructures in rural areas which encourages many people to come to the city. Most of the modem equipments are available for example running water, electricity, schools, dispensaries and hospitals. Sociological reasons which affects young people in particular when city dwellers either university students, laborers or unemployed return to the rural for a visit they acquire prestige in the eyes of rural population because they are smart dressing on the latest fashions. For young people these is considered as a big issue and therefore many young people in rura rream ofi to come to the - io city themselves. These are some of the information I got from some of the clients in Mukuru slums. Chaminade training centre is assisting the needy people to be independent through canceling, skill training, spiritual sharing and referrals. In these area education is one of the most important aspect which I feel will enhance needy people empowerment in Chaminade training centre in Mukuru slums in Nairobi. In my experience in Chaminade training centre, I apply the Seejdge- Act methodology which I believe is very important and recommendable approach for social ministries in mission. The following pages I will share about my experience in Chaminade training centre one of lmani projects in Mukuru slums in East land of Nairobi. These programme consists of about 50 expectant mothers who are in pregnancy crisis. The Women come from nearby slums which are Mukuru site of Njenga, Reuben site, Sinai, Pipeline, Quarry and Lunga Lunga. Most of these women are single mothers but there are also a few who are married. The single mothers many times attempt to carry out abortions due to the lack of finance, unmarried status, inability to raise children and mostly because of lack of basic necessities. Married mothers find themselves also in a stressful situation because of unplanned pregnancy which comes at an early stage when they are still breast-feeding. In this case, the married mothers find it difficult to plan or even space their children,iince artificial family planning is not accepted in tthhee Catholic Church,-bat also it has many side effects on the health of mothers, and-therefore it A is not practiced in most families by the married couples. The women attend clinic at the medical Missionary of Mary dispensary, and they are later referred to the Social work office for counseling and for family life lessons which enable them to carry on the pregnancy up to delivery time rather than carrying out an abortion. During the time of pregnancy, these women attend classes once a week every Tuesday afternoon. They have lessons such as Natural family planning, group sharing for building their self-esteem and Ante-natal clinic and to give birth in the hospital, food and nutrition, personal hygiene and video shows on stages of Child development and of abortion. Gospel living lessons are also offered to them for nourishing their spiritual needs, and installing i/good and healthy moral conducts in their day to day life. After delivery, each woman is provided with a set of baby clothes and half of the maternity fees is paid for them. It is after two weeks that these women join the mothers group lessons.
Social Work, Skills Training, Pastoral Work, Feeding Programme, Trade Training, Job Creation, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, C.T.C Project