Differentiation in Access to, and the Use and Sharing of (Open) Educational Resources among Students and Lecturers at Kenyan Universities
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Open Praxis
In order to obtain a fair ‘OER picture’ for the Global South a large-scale study has been carried out for a series
of countries, including Kenya. In this paper we report on the Kenya study, run at four universities that have
been selected with randomly sampled students and lecturers. Empirical data have been generated by the
use of a student and a lecturer questionnaire to which in total 798 students and 43 lecturers have responded.
Selected from the very rich source two major outcomes are: (i) there is a significant digital differentiation among
lecturers and students at urban versus rural universities in terms of their proficiency and internet accessibility;
and (ii) the awareness and appreciation of the OER concept and open licensing is low but from the actual
processing by respondents of educational resources (not necessarily open) a ‘preparedness for openness’ can
be derived that promises well for the future.
Educational Resources, Open Educational Resources, OER, ICT, differentiation, access, sharing, Kenyan universities, students, lecturers