Gender Impact on Spousal Relationship in Marriage Among The Agikuyu

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Tangaza University College
Marriage is an institution that is vital in the society. However, the experiences reflect that marital relationship is threatened and is going through a crisis. It is observed that couples are living their relationship painfully. Many a couple calls it off through separation or divorce. This is a problem that is rocking the marital relationship. This has prompted me to attempt to study the problems that are facing the couples in their relationship. There are numerous factors and an essay of this nature would be insufficient to treat it. Thus, we limit ourselves to write on the aspect of gender and its impact on the spousal relationship. In addition, we have limited it only to the Agikuyu community who lives in Central Province of Kenya. Due to the economic opportunities they have dispersed all over the country. but still have a similar cultural tenet. Gender issue in marriage is affecting couples especially on ways they relate to each other. In the contemporary society where gender awareness has escalated as to reach high levels, often resulting to violence meted out by either of the spouses. Our objective here is to suggest a more integral and healthy view on gender. We will not treat gender as though in a manner biased. Our wish is to look into men and women as those living in the spousal relationship. This paper is meant to bring more understanding about the married. To carry this out our paper is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, we will make an analysis of the social and cultural setting of gender and suggest some problems. We will look at oral literature, and how they teach gender at the rites of passage. In addition, we shall look to contemporary learning about gender in relation to the Agikuyu culture assessing hom, it affect the relationship. Finally we will examine how the gender attitudes learned affect the marriage relationship. In the second chapter, we will make an overview of Agikuyu gender attitudes and how they are being challenged by contemporary trends. We will see how this has positively contributed to the assertion of women in the society. We will examine resistance to these trends. Then these changes in attitudes shall be applied to the marriage relationship to see what impact it has made. In the third chapter, we shall assess both the tradition and the contemporary trends. We will attempt to offer corrections to the above situation, and then discard what is not necessary and retain what is of value from both trends. It will be a kind of social reconstruction on the gender issue. Then we will see how this can have an impact on marital relationship. In the fourth chapter. it would be an affirmation of the Third chapter. We will offer construction of a theology of equality between men and women. From it, will ensue marital relationship spirituality. We will then suggest how this theology can affect the marital relationship. In the fifth chapter. we will suggest pastoral activity that would bring wholeness to individuals in the marital relationship. This chapter will be more practical, making some recommendations that could be effected through a structured pastoral activity. Then we shall give the conclusion of the essay.
Gender, Spousal Relationship, Marriage, Oral Traditional, 0ender Sensitivity