Widow-Cleansing Ritual Among the Bemba As Unsolved Pastoral Issue.
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Tangaza University College
Christ came into the world to serve (Mt.20: 28), as result the Church has a special
mission to serve the marginalised. The pastoral agents are sent by the Spirit of the Lord to
proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind (Lk.4: 18). It is for this reason
that I find it necessary to talk about the burning issues pertaining to widow's cleansing-ritual in
the Bemba community in Zambia. The Bemba is one of seventy-four diverse ethnic groups,
which consists of four groups: Bemba, Lala, Lamba and Aushi. They are mainly found in
Copper-Belt, Central, Luapula and Northern Province. These ethnic groups are identical; they
share everything in common including language, except for a slight difference in accent. This is
due to their common origin.
It is our duty to preserve and promote inner peace but not only at the community level but
also in the widows' inner heart.
The organisation of this work over the next pages falls under five chapters. In the first
chapter, we will present the statement of the problem and the background to purpose to this
paper. The scope, objectives and the definitions of key terms will be presented in this chapter
Chapter two is made up of the literature review. It is a selection of sou. le available printed
materials, which may be relevant to this study. Chapter three consists of the research design and
methodology. Then Chapter four presents the results and the analysis of the study. In the final analysis, chapter five will summarise the work and will suggest some recommendations that may
ge helpful to those pastoral agents involved in the widows' situation.
Widow-Cleansing, Ritual, Bemba