Formation of Youth as A Basis for Genuine Consecrated Vocations in The Catholic Diocese of Kisii, Kenya
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Tangaza University College
This study explored youth formation as a basis for genuine consecrated vocations in the Catholic Diocese of Kisii in Kenya. It was anchored on Plato‘s theory of education which reckons education as the best means to attain an ideal state, just as formation of youths is the basis for genuine consecrated vocations in the Catholic Diocese of Kisii. The objectives of the study were: To explore youth formation which could contribute to genuine consecrated vocations, to find out the relationship between formation of youths and genuine consecrated vocations, to examine challenges faced in forming youths and propose some ways of promoting youth formation for genuine consecrated vocations in the Catholic Diocese of Kisii. This study used convergent parallel research design. This design combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to answer a research question. The researcher administered questionnaires with both open-ended and close-ended items and interview guides to the sampled population, aiming at getting their attitudes and opinions on the study at hand, qualitatively and quantitatively. The target population for this research included youths, parents, a youth coordinator, youth advisors, seminarians, novices, religious men and women and priests. The sample size of the study was 354 respondents but the actual number of respondents was 336. This number accounted for 94.9%. To verify the validity of the instruments, a pilot test was carried out and the Cronbach‘s alpha was 0.709. The data for the study was gathered through the questionnaires and interview guides from the field and was presented in tables, pie-charts, frequencies and percentages. The quantitative data was coded and entered into the computer for computation of both descriptive and inferential statistics. The SPSS software, version 22 was used for the analysis. Qualitative findings were arranged according to themes and interpreted in relation to the objectives of the study and were reported in a narrative form. The study found out that 58 % of the respondents disagreed that the youths are well formed to face any life challenge, 81.6% approved that well-formed youths make good consecrated persons, 57.2% agreed that forming young people is a difficult task and 78.1% favored the assertion that proper youth formation is attainable. Both qualitative and quantitative findings were triangulated and gave some insights on the formation of youths as the basis for genuine consecrated vocations in the catholic Diocese of Kisii.
Formation, Consecrated Vocations, Youth