Solidarity with the Poor as a Poverty Eradication Strategy

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Tangaza University College
This research, " Solidarity with the Poor as a Poverty Eradication Strategy: by means of Education," was aimed at investigating to what extent the O.L.N.primary school has influenced the students, parents, teachers and the entire community of Mukuru. In order for us to reach these results we used the See, Judge and Act method with the support of the qualitative and quantitative method of approach. These methods were used so as to collect the data, present it and analyze it and these methods proved to be varied and effective. The research revealed to us that there is a good level of participation and collaboration in eradicating poverty through education for the system of education or methodology used is that of calling all the concerned people in this slum area to be fully involved in the project. With this idea in mind, there were some challenges that came out as a result of this study. The main issue that came out of this study is that O.L.N. Primary School is doing a good job in educating the children for future alleviation from poverty. But this is not responding fully to the objective of the school for there is little done with children who go to form one. Only 5% of the total number of those selected to form one get to secondary school because the majority have no school fees for the same reason that they come from poor families who cannot afford to send them to secondary schools. As a result of this the research at the end has a project proposal. This project will be a secondary school, which will be run on the same basis like. O.L.N. for the poor, to alleviate them from poverty and give them a bright future. The project will be run on two phases with a three-year budget proposal. The first phase is researching (to see ifthis school is really needed) and building structures. The second phase is to begin the school with form ones and each year add the next class. This project is a felt need and was echoed by almost all the people related with O.L.N. primary school.
Poor, Poverty, Strategy