Celibacy and Intimacy: A Gift of God among the Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro

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Tangaza University College
This essay invites you to look at the meaning of celibacy and intimacy as an integral dimension of religious life and virtue. I choose celibacy as a virtue and gift from God at the same time freely received. It ought to be an individual free choice. In order to make a mature choice for celibacy, the intimacy between, God, the neighbour, and us must be strengthened. The study will remain within the limits and requirements as set out by the rule in the Academic Year Book of Tangaza College. The work totals three chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction and .autobiography, statements of the study, objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definitions of the key terms, the nature of celibacy and intimacy, the relationship between celibacy and intimacy, and the spirituality of religious life. The second chapter will examine celibacy and intimacy according to the spirituality of the charism of the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro (S.O.L.K.), its modality, celibacy and intimacy in relation to the Pare culture or tradition, and celibacy and intimacy as a gift of God. The third chapter will outline how celibacy and intimacy are challenged in today's world, the struggle with celibacy and intimacy as a gift of God, theological foundation of intimacy and celibacy, the application of the study and personal reflections and conclusions.
Celibacy, God