Discerning Leadership Qualities At The Novitiate of the Holy Rosary Sisters With Reference To Jesus and Bishop Joseph Shanahan As Models

Change is a fact of life and so the increasing awareness of the shift from the traditional view of authority to empowering leadership is a contributing factor to my choice of topic. Briefly, the traditional view of authority was based on the assumption that people were powerless and deeply flawed. These deficits could only be remedied by a few great authoritarian figures. Authority was then seen "as the power or right to give command, enforce obedience, take action or make final decision." This notion of authority encouraged a lot of restrictions and control. The results were lack of freedom, immaturity and irresponsibility among others. However, the term 'leadership' is now being used in a way that is becoming characteristic of our time and symbolic of the shift that we are experiencing. Helen Doohan notes, the contemporary focus on leadership indicates a shift in emphasis from power, position and authority to a relative situational quality and a participative involvement on the part of all."2 Therefore, a leader is a person who calls, points out the way and invites others to follow in freedom. This is why Anthony D'Souza describes Christian leadership thus: it * seeks to be of service, rather than to dominate. * encourages and inspires. * respects, rather than exploit others' personalities. * reflects, prays and acts on Jesus Christ's words "Whoever wishes to be first among you, shall be your servant, even as the son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Matt. 20:27).2 Therefore the central role of Christian leadership is an expression of dialamia or service, the service of listening and persuasion, not exploitation on account of one's position. The author of epistle to Peter says, "Do not lord it over those assigned to you, but be an example to the flock ( I Pet 5T3)." So leadership commends itself most of all by sincere, active and authentic love that arises from an understanding of the whole people. The leader then enables them to mobilize their resources in order to achieve goals mutually held by both the leader and the people. My choice of topic is also greatly influenced by the uniqueness of the formative ministry in the Novitiate. At the heart of formation in the Holy Rosary Novitiate is a leadership that thinks well and clear about those in formation. The formator as a leader sees herself in the process of leading the young women who in turn will lead others. If this is so, then there is need for her to be acquainted with the leadership qualities of our great models- Jesus and Bishop Joseph Shanahan. What were their legacies? Is it possible to lead after their minds and hearts? What then are the essential qualities of a leader in, the Holy Rosary Novitiate today? We shall reflect on and discuss these questions in the course of this work. The aim is essentially to help me and others to be integrated leaders. Chapter one explores the historical background of Bishop Joseph Shanahan , his missionary endeavour in Nigeria. He was the heroic figure who accepted to be the special instrument of God in the founding of the Holy Rosary Sisters. Chapter two delineates the elements in Bishop Shanahan's Spirituality. These are still relevant to contemporary leaders and so we will also explore Bishop Shanahan's contributions to the formation of the Holy Rosary Sisters. Chapter three begins with a reflection on the Holy Rosary Novitiate formation process. It is unique and wholistic. It also aims at formation of future leaders and so the inspiring and empowering leadership qualities of Jesus and Bishop Shanahan as models will be explored. Their life-giving leadership qualities made them to do something beautiful for God and humanity. Therefore they are indeed sounding board for understanding leadership in the Holy Rosary Novitiate. The formator as a leader contributes immensely to the wholistic formation of the young women. Therefore, Chapter four will explore the leadership qualities that are necessary to help het: to accompany those in formation. Her leadership qualities will allow for genuine freedom, openness, personal dialogue, maturity and responsibility. The leader herself derives strength, wisdom and patience from her constant communion with the Lord because unless the Lord builds the house, in vain do its builders labour (Ps.126/127). Finally, this work does not claim to exhaust this topic. It is only an attempt to highlight the uniqueness of the Holy Rosary Novitiate formation and the essential qualities of the leader in the formative ministry based on our models, Jesus and Bishop Shanahan. There could be more researches on the inspiring styles of leadership. This could elicit new insights for contemporary leaders in the continuation of the ministry of Jesus Christ. The way has been opened, the work of the spirit continues!!
Leadership, Sisters, Jesus, Bishop Joseph Shanahan, liutnan Formation, Spiritual Formation