Understanding African Mystical Powers in The Biblical Perspective: Among the Akamba Community of Kenya.

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Tangaza University College
In the contemporary society which is blessed with all sorts of technologies, science. and medicine; it sounds unbearable to speak of mystical powers. Many people would piously deny the existence of such a notion and call upon its burial. Those bound and committed to different religious denominations and sects will, with certainty, offer an open denial to the thought. leave alone mentioning it. Critical study reveals that, though many African Christians refute this notion of mystical powers. it is still a life and strong among many of their members, including African cities and religious circles in new forms and formulas. Hence, unless it is thoroughly revisited holistically and in a positive manner, the so called Christians in the African church will only live and remain at a nominal structural standing, that is Christians by name. Hence, the real impact of the gospel; the living faith in Christ will remain in total absentia. In this study I am interested in examining critically the notion of mystical powers as a pastoral issue among the Akamba community of Kenya in East Africa. For up to today the Christian faith still battles with various issues of mystical powers. To achieve this I will first present the general understanding of mystical powers in Africa. this will be followed by mystical powers among the Kamba community. After, I will present the Biblical understanding of mystical powers. This will be followed by a highlight on how we can tackle this issue in a pastoral perspective. A general conclusion will serve to give my personal stand on the understanding of mystical powers and how we can deal with them in our pastoral contexts.
African, Mystical, Powers