Use of Alternative Media to Rethink Agikuyu Traditional Practices Among Agikuyu Youth Of Mweiga Location
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Tangaza University College
Chapter one deals with the introduction, statement of the problem, objectives,
research questions, assumptions of the study, justification and significance of the study,
scope and delimitations and purpose of the study. It also reviews the relevant literature on
the specific problem of the investigation. The review concentrates on traditional
practices, electronic media and Agikuyu youth of Mweiga Location.
Chapter two goes further to detail the methods that were used in gathering and
analyzing the data. It has the description of the research instruments (interview guide,
case study and observation guide). The chapter points out the role of communication and
its theories namely: cultural imperialism, selectivity and ethnocentrism and relates them
with the research.
Chapter three presents the elaboration of the application how alternative media
can be used to rethink Agikuyu traditional practices especially female initiation and
traditional medicine. Bringing about electronic media and traditional medicine awareness
to Agikuyu youth of Mweiga location. The aspects, which can be borrowed from
initiation and relevance/application today. 'the chapter goes further to propose a project.
Media, Agikuvu, Traditional Practices, Youth, Mweiga