Influence of Psychosocial Risk Factors on Job Satisfaction among the Employees of the National Hospital Insurance Fund in Kenya

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Tangaza University College
Psychosocial risk factors potentially impact the employee interactions with their work, their colleagues, supervisor and other elements of the organizational context. The study assessed the influence of psychosocial risk factors on job satisfaction among employees at the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) in Kenya. In particular, the study sought to establish the influence of social support on employee job satisfaction, determine the influence of psychological demand on employee job satisfaction, and define the influence of job control on employee job satisfaction. The study was pegged on the psychological demands-control-support model and the two-factor theory. An ex-post-facto research design was adopted and all the 1918 employees at NHIF were targeted for this study. Using a stratified random sampling technique, 330 respondents were obtained from the study population. To collect primary data on psychosocial risk factors, the study used the demand-control-support questionnaire while job satisfaction was measured using the Warr-Cook-Wall questionnaire. While 330 questionnaires were distributed, only 301 questionnaires were duly filled and returned. Descriptive and inferential statistics encapsulated the analyzed data and the findingswere presented in the form of tables. Analysis of the data was done through the use of SPSS version 22. The findings of the study showed that the regression analysis revealed that psychological demand and social support had a statistically significant influence on job satisfaction at NHIF Kenya (p<0.05). The study recommends that future researchers should conduct a similar study targeting other public sector organizations in Kenya.
Psychosocial Risk Factors, Job Satisfaction, Employees, National Hospital Insurance Fund