An Exegesis of Matthew 15, 21-28 the Role of the Gentile Woman in Matt 15, 21-28: Faith As A Paradigm for Healing

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Tangaza University College
In this topic I intend to explore the text from Matt 15, 21-28 and investigate the role the Gentile woman plays in this pericope. I have been motivated by Jesus' praise of the faith of this Gentile woman. As a result my main objective in this project is to establish the meaning of this text for Matthew's community and also for contemporary Christians. In order to achieve this objective I will employ certain scientific biblical methods. For this reason I have divided my topic into three chapters. In the first chapter I will give a biblical background of the term 'Gentile'. I will show what this term means and what relationship there is in scripture between Gentiles and the people of Israel. In the Old Testament I will single out the Canaanites who will act as a representative group for all peoples known as Gentiles. Then in the New Testament I will establish the understanding of Gentiles with special emphasis on Matthew's Gospel. My aim in the first chapter will be to find out what was the relationship between the Israelites and the Gentiles in scripture. The findings then will help me to have a clearer understanding of Jesus' encounter with the Gentile woman in Matthew from where my working-text comes. In the second chapter I will do an exegetical investigation in which I will analyze Matt IS, 21-28 in order to expose its original meaning. Since this chapter holds a central position in my thesis I hope to bring to the surface the theology of Matthew with regard to the above-mentioned text and answer some of the questions it raises. My findings in this chapter will, therefore, be very important for my third and last chapter in which I will argue both theologically and pastorally that faith is necessary for healing, for effective intercessory prayer, and for incorporation into the Christian community. Finally I will, in the third chapter, harmonize the message of Matt IS, 21-28 for contemporary Christians with some reflections on the same text in the context of today's suffering masses. 1 will answer the questions: How can this text give meaning to some Christians of today who have faith and yet continue to suffer from HIV/AIDS or the ravages of war? And how can it inspire today's church to reach out to such suffering people? Each of the three chapters will have its own introduction and conclusion in which the main ideas and assumptions will be introduced and summarized respectively. Lastly, the general conclusion will expose the main ideas and assumptions of the whole topic in a carefully synthesized and summarized way.
Gentile, Faith, Healing, MATTHEW 15, 21-28