A Participative Formation for Authentic Christian Discipleship at Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute, Nairobi County, Kenya
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Tangaza University College
This study examined a participative formation for the authentic discipleship of the novices in the Inter-Novitiate Formation Programme of Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute of Nairobi, Kenya. The objectives of the research included the following: To examine how a participative approach to formation could facilitate growth in listening to God’s word and putting it into practice; to explore how a participative approach could orient novices towards fraternal charity; to determine how a participative approach could enhance the spirit of detachment, self-sacrifice and endurance in long suffering. It further tried to discover other strategies for enhancing a participative approach to formation. The study was guided by Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development (1995) and adopted a convergent parallel mixed method research design using questionnaires to gather data. The target population (N) was 236, which included novices, formators and formation teams of various congregations at Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute, Nairobi County, Kenya. The sample size (n) was 146, which was 62% of the target population. The quantitative data from the questionnaires was coded, tabulated and presented according to frequencies and percentages. The qualitative data was analyzed and thematized according to the research objectives and was presented in narrative form. The findings of the study revealed that a participative formation brings about a deeper transformation in novices, resulting into them becoming authentic disciples of Jesus Christ, seen in their ability to listen to God’s word, live in fraternal charity, spirit of detachment, self–sacrifice and endurance in long suffering. The results showed that the witness of formators and the formation team are of primary importance and they have to be persons who are able to transmit the joy and beauty of the following of Christ by their own examples. This points to the significance of the good choice of formators and the formation team to be placed in the novitiate by major superiors. The accompaniment of formators is an essential element in formation. Formators have to sharpen their accompaniment skills and employ effective methods and established models. The study highlighted the need for a formative environment which encourages freedom, responsibility and participation of novices to foster their growth in authentic Christian discipleship. Provisions for forums, sessions and other community structures which promote active involvement of novices in the life of the community are highly encouraged. It is also important for superiors to consider putting in place a formation team in the novitiate, having seen the benefits of a participative formation towards effecting authentic Christian discipleship.
Participative Formation, Christian, Discipleship, Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute