A Feminist Interpretation of The Position Of Women in Paul's Church, In Light Of 1 Cor 11:2-16.

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Tangaza University College
I propose to dedicate this thesis as a monument to womenfolk in their struggle and aspiration for equality. I am stuck and moved by the plight of many women in the world together with the condition of young girls who face a bleak future on account of their sexual identity. I am prone to ask why they have to encounter mammoth impediments and undergo unparalleled suffering unlike their male counterparts. The women of this world need the atmosphere and opportunity to experience their humanity without undue discrimination and exploitation because of their gender. Thus this paper will aim at nurturing their efforts to uplift their status. Paul has been vehemently vilified as a male chauvinist whose writings have helped to orchestrate and hold firmly in place the patriarchic interests. More so excerpts of his writings have been singled out as contributing to the undermining of the woman and her position in society. I will try to exonerate Paul of this condemnation by showing that he was a product of his times. What he projects was an accepted norm of the day. Feminist theologians hold that these writings are used against women to perpetuate female subordination in the church. Many hold him responsible for negating the freedom won for women by Christ and to relegating them to a subservient position.' I will aspire to undo the negative impact that the Bible has orchestrated in the marginalization and stigmatization of women in the church and society at large. I intend to neutralize elements and voices of chauvinism which are based on fear, aim at discrediting women in order to maintain the status quo. It is my humble plea and prayer that women will hold fast and march on relentlessly till they are accorded their rightful place in society. Without this the human community will remain unaccomplished so long as the crucial women element is left out of its projects. So long as women are marginalized, so long as little girls are made to feel like second class citizens in comparison to their fellow boys, than society will be doing itself a major disservice. Though the strides made in political, social, medical, industrial spheres have been great and monumental. the inequality, the disparity between the gains and position of women and men is invariable, and hence need for amendment. The endowments, the giftedness. the nature imbued in women are rare gems that the human society stands in need of The society will not fully benefit from the richness that womanhood is enshrined with if women continue to be kept at the fringe of society and as second-class citizens playing second fiddle to man. Their God given right and sense of full personhood God gave to them should be allowed to flourish without being encumbered by man-made obstacles, such as man-made fears and projections. Here in the Third Millennium, it is high time that women took and assumed their rightful place in society without feeling as if they were trespassing. They need not apologize for the fact of being created distinct yet equal and mutually co-dependent with men.
Feminist, Women Position, Paul's Church, 1 Cor 11:2-16