Scientific and Indigenous (Unscientific) Abortive Methods Used to Assist African Woman Procure Abortion: A Case Study in Nairobi City; The Akamba And The Agikuyu Communities of Kenya.

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Tangaza University College
Before breaking for my pastoral experience that I did in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, I attended a course in Medical Ethics taught by Reverend Prof. Raphael Wanjohi. Different films were shown to us according to the topics we tackled in class. The most striking film was about scientific abortive methods in which women were assisted to abort. The abortionists in that movie used modem instruments to carry out abortion in different ways. Those women were bleeding at length for so long. Most of them who were interrogated afterwards gave me the impression that their decision to have abortion was out of a total ignorance. This explains why they resolved not to abort anymore. At Tangaza College, after my pastoral, I attended another course in Pastoral Psychology I and II which were taught by the same Professor, Wanjohi. In the first part of this course. two sisters who were attending classes with us showed a film about a Kenyan woman who had had an abortion. This African lady was taken to a medical doctor who used the same modem instruments we saw in the first film to assist her in killing the unborn baby.
Indigenous, Scientific, Abortive Methods, Abortion