Tangaza Update (RIP mourning our dear father)
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Tangaza University College
I take the opportunity to inform
both, the internal & external
readers of Tangaza College that
we have lost a son, brother and father with the passing to Eternal Life
in recent days of our beloved Father
Ambrose Mutinda, C.S.Sp. (March 4th
Father Mutinda, born in July 16
Jii,.67 in Machakos District, attended
•sery and primary school in his
home village.
He entered the junior seminary
(Pope Paul VI, in Machakos) where he
did his 0-levels. Upon finishing 0-levels, he enrolled at Queen of Apostles,
Ruaraka, and completed his A-level.
In 1987, he began his vocational
journey towards religious life and
Priesthood upon entering the Missionary Spiritan College in Njiro, Arusha,
Tanzania. In 1991, Father Mutinda first
entered Tangaza College and complet
ed his undergraduate studies in 1994.
Father Ambrose was ordained a year
later (1995) and first missioned among
the Massai People in Arusha.
In the year 2002, our son came back
to his Alma Mater as a lecturer follow
ing his studies in Sacred Scriptures at
the Biblicum in Rome where he earned
a License in Sacred Scripture.
Since that time, Father Ambrose
has been an active member of the
College Community as a Lecturer in
the School of Theology as well as the
He was most appreciated both, in
and out of the classroom. In the year
2005, Father Mutinda became the Dean of Theology, a post he held until
his untimely death.
So, you can readily see he was our
son as he journeyed through the college as a student. He is a big Brother
to several siblings, young priests particularly, Spiritians and to students he
has taught over the years and a Father
to our current students at the College.
He will be sorely missed!
Our heartfelt condolences to Father's mother, his siblings and to the
religious family, the Spiritans, upon the
death of their son and brother.
May the Angels Lead the soul of Father Ambrose Mutinda into Paradise!
Beauty for the IDps, A night to remember, Karate club