The Role of TV in Changing Attitudes to Promote Effective Development in Kenya

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Institute of Social Communication
More than ever information has become the most important resource anyone can have. It is the defining line between the powerful and the powerless. And what is Africa's stake in all of this? According to Owen (2008:133) if we see through the eyes of Salim Amin, the son of the late Kenyan photojournalist, Mohammed Amin, we discover that information is a power that has for too long, evaded the hands of the people of Africa.' This is an unfortunate position in this information age. The media is a carrier and disseminator of this information. This makes it a powerful tool capable of defining a society and influencing attitudes. The messages it sends out by different media outlets will most likely have an impact on the opinions of those who come into contact with them. This will lead to a change in attitudes and behavior.
Development, Television