The Influence of Integral Psycho - Spiritual Formation On Vocation Discernment with Reference To the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) In South Africa

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Tangaza University College
This dissertation looked at the Influence of the integral psycho-spiritual formation on vocation discernment with reference to the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) in South Africa. The study was prompted by an observation of the researcher that the current Pallottine formative approach needed a review in order to facilitate genuine vocation discernment of candidates. Over the past few years, the problem was manifested through the behavior of some candidates who after being asked to discontinue with their formation show lack of understanding that consecrated life is an unmerited gift from God. Again, through candidates who showed inconsistency in discernment about their vocation to consecrated life. The work reviewed literature of other writers in connection with formation and vocation discernment. The study adopted a mixed method of research design, which was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The sample size of the study included the 26 candidates in the Pallottine formation house in South Africa, 3 priests who are serving as formators, the 6 priests who have served as formators in the past years, and 5 other Pallottine priests and brothers. The research instruments used, were questionnaires with close-ended questions to obtain quantitative data, and openended questions to obtain qualitative data. The findings of the study showed that the human – Psychological dimension of candidates was less attended to, as compared to the Spiritual dimension in the formation of candidates. This created a formative environment that was less favorable for vocation discernment. Although the respondents indicated that candidates were able to discern their vocation, it was however revealed that sometimes the decisions that they made were inconsistent with their call to consecrated life. The study also established that formators needed to acquire more formative skills, since lack of skilled formators contributes to creating an unfavorable atmosphere for vocation discernment. In conclusion, the research established that programmes that enhance humanpsychological growth of candidates be re-introduced in the formation system and further, formation of formators needed to be considered as an area of urgency.
Integral Psycho, Spiritual Formation, Vocation Discernment, Society, Catholic Apostolate, Pallottines, South Africa