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Tangaza University College
As human beings we possess many skills, gifts and graces. All these originate trom who is the giver of everything. Among all these gifts and skills, communication is most significant and useful. l am mostly concerned with the efficiency with which one shaws his or her opinions, ideas and feelings with other people. Through communication we interact with others, learn about them and ieveal ourselves to them. U is through communication that our personal relationships are established, maintained and sometimes destroyed and repaired. We create relationships with people in many ways through speaking, story telling, gestures, dances, dramas and rituals. In Africa we have rich cuain41 means of communication that should be retained and promoted. Today there are new means of communication. They are available to us in the form it television, radio, books and newspapers. These are called mass media. 'They connect us vvali people all over the world. For example by telephone and tax we are instantly in coward with people who are far away, These means of comnumication are vital to us today. They affect the way we think i. feel, pray, live and look at life. The modern means of communication change our way or feeling, reacting and living often without realizing it'. In different gatherings we interact with people-solving problems, developing new id, is and sharing knowledge and experiences. All in all we live and function in a society based un communication. Without the ability to communicate i.e. to speak, write, listen and read. of us would live in isolation, set apart from our fellow human beings.
Comminication, nature of communication., barriers of communication.