Impact of Development on Environment

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Tangaza University College
The purpose of this paper, is precisely to investigate the relationship between human development activities and environment. The research is purposely made technical as an attempt to put to surface the reason why so many people, organizations and nations are particularly worried about this issue. To reach to this point we shall historically trace some development activities of our fore-fathers in relationship to their contact with die environment. This shall be coined with an investigation of the modes they used to conserve nature. A combination of these two aspects form our first chapter. The second chapter is the central theme of our discussion. In this part we shall try to see main causes of environmental degradation. Attracted by the call of the Pope John Paul H, ( in his encyclical, Sollicitudo Rei Socialltis) in which he calls for a global respect for nature. The pope realized that the natural resources are limited and using them as if they are not exhaustible would seriously endanger their existence, thus denying a God-given access to nature for both present and future generation. In this case we shall attempt to spontaneously highlight the need for a true solidarity with the future generation. To come up with information, we employed some few techniques. The teclmique used is mainly empirical observation and recorded material. The first and departing point of this paper is based on observation. In this area a deductive procedure played a vital rule because we have drawn the general principles and leading ideas from what we observed to particular areas of environmental degradation. Our approach was also analytical, in that several terms, notions and details were scrutinized in the areas that suited our paper only. We also used a comparative approach for we went back to history and compared the past activities with the gravity of the present. In spite of this, it should be borne in mind that this paper is not exhaustive in it's own nature, It is a starting point for further future reflections to be made in this area.
Development on Environment, Human Beings and Environment, effects of environmental degradation, environmental problems, Early Domestication, Agriculture and Industrial Revolution, The Church and Environment