Devil Worship: Myth or A Reality, It's Effects on The Church.
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Tangaza University College
People have tried to dismiss Satanism, saying that Satan is only a
construction of the Christian church; so, Satanism is only an invention of
Christianity. That is missing the broader point. Christians didn't invent Satanism.
There is always a Satan, an adversary in every culture. There is always a figure who
reprints dark side, the unexplored realms, the prideful beast who defies the norms.
Satan has perrneated every strata of society insidiously. He has infiltrated
sacred and educational institutions, political movements, social and intellectual
gatherings and NGO'S.
Those who are involved with Satan are known as "Devil Worshippers". They come
from all status; the rich and the poor alike. The devil is the fallen angel and his
kingdom; his attraction is temporary and passing.
Devil from the Greek word (diabolos) means divider, and Satan from the
Hebrew. The bible mentions sixty five times the wiles of deceits of Satan, the devil,
the evil one, and prince of this world. The attractions to devil worship are riches,
power and prestige. As great as the devil powers are however, they are under the
dominion of Christ who has imparted to his Church the power to forgive sins and to
drive out demons. The Religion prescribes certain Rites, and these rites are always bloody.
The popular Hollywood portrayal of the Satanist is that of the blood drinking and
baby killing Monster, reciting the black mass and having lots of orgies. Serving a
deity that can manifest itself in all sorts of powerful and scary foams. Practicing
magic, casting spells and having the power of the supernatural available at their
finger tips.
The Satanists claim that Christians waste their lives in prayer and submission.
God on the other hand, generally represents conventionality predictability, the safety
of normality, and the comfort of the larger group and the rewards of staying within
the bonds of propriety.
In Kenya, Satanism and devil worship is not without mentioned. The Kenyan
government's setting up a committee which was later elevated to a commission of
inquiry to look into satanic practices proves that the constant claims and allegations
of cultism and devilish rituals were serious enough to warrant serious investigations
from as early as 1994.
Devil Worship, Myth