The Christian Mysteries - Creation, Trinity, Incarnation Paschal Mystery And Redemption and Foundation Of Mission

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Tangaza University College
In this paper I would like to focus on the relationship existing between the Christian Mysteries of Creation, Trinity, Incarnation, Paschal Mystery and Redemption, and the Mission. Christian Mysteries have got their origin in God. They belong to the same universal plan of salvation tat God offered to the humanity through his only son in the power of the Holy Spirit. Though each one of these mysteries has got its own specificities, they have a common goal; to lead humanity to enter in communion of love with the Triune God. Indeed each one can be fully understood in the light of the otters. Even though human person, being limited cannot grasp these mysteries in their fullness. I will try to explain and show how these mysteries are related to the mission. How they are the source and foundation of mission. How they bestow on mission its significance and value. In the first chapter. I deal with the mystery of creation as God's action and its relation to man. He has got some roles and duties to fulfill in order to preserve God's creation and bring it to fulfillment. The Church being the steward of God's mission on earth has to continue God's plan in creation. In the second chapter, I focus on the Blessed Trinity and the Divine missions of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then I shall link this Trinitarian mission to the mission of the Church; and how Church's mission has her origin and goal in the Blessed Trinity In chapter three, I present the Christological mysteries; Incarnation, Paschal Mystery and Redemption as foundation of mission. I will explain how the mission of the Church is rooted in the Christological mysteries and the implications they have for the Church's mission.
Christian Mysteries, Trinity, Incarnation, Paschal Mystery, Redemption, Mission Foundation