Jesus Christ, the Sacrament of God: Source, Inspiration and Model of Inculturation Today

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Tangaza University College
This essay will take us through a journey of discovery. Firstly, we shall attempt to better understand and appreciate this much talked about concept, inculturation, delving into its origin and meaning. Then we shall look into the world of Jesus Christ, the Son of God 3 J. wALIGGO, Inculturation: Its meaning and Urgency, 21. 5 and Son of Mary, who stands at the centre of Christian life. Here we shall endeavour to catch a glimpse of the profound mysteries of his life from his incarnation to his glorious resurrection and ascension and the event of Pentecost. With some understanding of whom Jesus is and the recognition of the central place he holds in Christian life, we shall see how every detail of his life serves as the foundation of Christian life. What becomes of Christianity without Christ? In the same way inculturation, will be meaningless and fruitless if it leaves out Christ, for what is inculturated is nothing but the Good News, which is Christ himself. We shall present the Church's understanding, teaching and practice of inculturation in the history of its missionary activity. Then we shall take a close look at the experience of inculturation in the Church in Africa
Inculturation, Great Commission, Incarnation, Sacrament of God