The Church's Response to People Living With Hiv/Aids in Kenya as a New Phenomenon of Biblical "Leprosy

In some books of the Bible terms such as leprosy and leper are used in the text of the book. This is evident in both the Old Testament and the New Testament but then they are used extensively especially in the Old Testament with specific reference to the book of Leviticus. Lepers in the Bible are among the many sick people mentioned in the Bible but what is unique about this group of sick people is the attitude of the faith community towards these lepers. In the Bible lepers are often treated as social outcasts in the community because of the prejudice attached to their condition of infirmity. Regardless of the exact symptoms, and diagnosis of these various ailments, becoming "unclean" is the primary concern that all biblical sufferers of leprosy share.' The common prejudice associated with this ailment was that it renders the person unclean and this deprives the individual of an authentic human relationship with the rest of the community.
Leprosy, HIV/AIDS