The Mystery of the Presence of Christ in Christianity and In Islam the Foundation for Christian-Muslim Dialogue
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Tangaza University College/Duquesne University
Gaudium et Spes number 22 states: “In reality it is only in the mystery of the
Word made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear. […]. It is no wonder,
then, that all the truths mentioned so far should find in him their source and their most
perfect embodiment”(GS, 22). One of these truths is mentioned by Gaudium et Spes as
follows: “For since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the
same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the
possibility of being made partners, in a way known to God, in the paschal mystery.” In
this affirmation of Gaudium et Spes lies the central question of my reflection and
research that can be divided into three parts. First, the question is, if this is one of the
truths, how do we understand it and what are the other truths that Gaudium et Spes is
referring to? Are these truths found strictly speaking only in Christianity in general and
the Catholic Church in particular or, to some extent, in Islam? Secondly, if these truths
are present somehow in Islam, how can we find them and to what extent are they
important or challenging to Christianity, and Islam? This is the mystery of Christ`s
presence. Thirdly, how can these truths affect our catholic mind and life for a better understanding of Jesus` presence in Christianity and Islam in view of a long lasting
Christian-Muslim dialogue? Why is it that the search for these truths in history has
brought so much animosity and strife between Christians and Muslims? Beyond the
mere sense of morality, what can be a just and prudent theological approach to the
search for the truth of Christ’s presence or incarnation in the two religions for a daily
peaceful and respectful Christian-Muslim dialogue?
From my two years pastoral experience in Khartoum added to my experience
with Muslims since my childhood, I am interested in researching the importance of the
mystery of Christ’s presence in Christianity and in Islam. I am convinced that Christian-
Muslim dialogue for peace would be sincere provided that both parties have a true
knowledge of one another. This peace certainly requires two things. The first is a true
appreciation of other religions values. The second is to struggle to be on the side of God
rather than to fight to show that God is on one`s side.
Mystery, Christ, Christianity, Islam, Christian-Muslim Dialogue