Responding To Exaggerated Tv Commercials Which Specifically Target Children

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Institute of Social Communication
Television advertising is a persuasive form of communication geared to making a product known in the market. Advertisers exploit human needs as an entry point to making different appeals so as to sell a product. The idea of persuasive discourse was proposed long ago by Aristotle. Ile named it rhetoric which is "defined as the faculty of observing any given case and the available means of persuasion."' Of the several types of persuasion the one that fits in best with advertising is structured in such a way that the audience is rallied towards a certain frame of mind. In this case advertisers use human needs to position audiences into a place where they can be coaxed to reason in a certain way. Aristotle said "what is persuasive is persuasive to someone; and something is persuasive either because it is directly self evident or because it appears to be proved from other statements." Advertisers use words, animations and music as statements to persuade
Advertisements, Children