Tangaza Vision (Religious Life in Africa Today)

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Tangaza University College
Socrates, a philosopher, said that a life that is not examined is not worthy living. For a number of reasons, religious life needs to be examined and re-examined in order to hold its value in society. lt is from this premise that this issue of the Tangaza Vision found its theme "Religious life in Africa today". Pastoral ministries have widened their horizons due to the dynamic nature of society. Fr. Taratara who is involved in refugee ministry in North Western Tanzania, reflects on the situation in the camps. The reflection could be stressing but it puts us into the context in which we' as religious are operating, Sr. Kerber challenges us to live the here and now. With papers to submit. sometimes at the last minute, lectures to attend, apostolate in mind, exams approaching or, for others. papers lo mark, students to tutor/supervise, schemes of work and lesson plans to make it is "understandable" that you could forget to be here and now. To learn to be here and now calls for your metaphysical identity - Who are you? Our identity as religious is fundamentally marked by the evangelical vows we pronounce namely chastity /celibacy, obedience and poverty. A number of articles in this issue are based in these three vows. You will notice that there are more articles on chastity/celibacy. We have purposely published all of them. Perhaps you will discover the reason for so doing after going through them.
Religion, Africa, Celibacy, vow of poverty, Apostolic Life, Living true love, women men